Mission Statement - Fairfield Strength:

To cultivate growth opportunities for children of all ages and abilities, bringing together the learned and the learning, in a spirit of helpfulness and respect, to improve our health and wellness, using fitness and sport as a medium to teach life lessons.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

SAQS - Speed is good and...

Great session today - Spent a lot of time on the basics - Neural Warm Up, Basic Agility Ladder, Dynamic Movement Warm Up, Sprint Warm Up, Timed 40 yard sprints, and technical speed training took up the lions share of our training session. Our goal is to shave at least a full second off of everyone's 40 time - definitely do-able.

We learned about body position and foot strike for the acceleration phase and the fly phase. We learned about arm movement - (even had a few windshield wipers) - and still had time for the "Carolyn's Favorites" the Farmer's Walks. Double 16 KG kettlebells add a nice sense of closure to a training session, especially when followed with Turkish Get Ups. Great stuff - and everybody survived - Don't forget your homework - 1/4 get ups and practice our sprint training - Super Slow, Normal Pace, Super Fast - perfection is possible - just requires a little more effort

Be well, Capt.

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