Mission Statement - Fairfield Strength:

To cultivate growth opportunities for children of all ages and abilities, bringing together the learned and the learning, in a spirit of helpfulness and respect, to improve our health and wellness, using fitness and sport as a medium to teach life lessons.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Turkish Get Up

The Turkish Get Up - the perfect blend of functional movement patterns designed to improve stability, mobility, and strength. If you could do only one excercise for the core, this should be it. Designed to be performed with a kettle bell, it can be performed without weight, or better yet, with a water bottle balanced on your fist. The goal is to stay tight and perform the movement in a smooth fluid manner. Perfect practice, never to failure. Riccarrdi, one of our trainers from last season, demonstrates below. Your homework assigment is to watch the video and practice the movement until you can perform it while balancing a water bottle on your extended first. (both sides ) Remember - keep your eyes on the bell (or the water bottle. ) Captain

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