Mission Statement - Fairfield Strength:

To cultivate growth opportunities for children of all ages and abilities, bringing together the learned and the learning, in a spirit of helpfulness and respect, to improve our health and wellness, using fitness and sport as a medium to teach life lessons.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Homework- 2x between now and Next Thursday

Strength - Box squats and push up circuit – (couch of pain) - stack 2 cushions, one on top of the other. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, sit back on double cushion and adjust feet until lower legs are straight.(visualization - stuck in buckets of concrete) Pull yourself down into the doubled seat cushion with your hip flexors then drive up to a standing position - visualization - grip the floor and pull yourself down with your toes, push your feet(heels) through the floor on the way up.

Key point – fire hip flexors to pull your bottom down into cushions. Goal is 10 sets of 10 reps - for the first 3 sets place the balloon you will be using in the flexibility exercises below between your knees while performing the box squat. Remember to tighten the box (sniff sharply) at the bottom of the movement. For the next 3 sets bring feet a little closer together after each set so that by set 6 your feet are touching. For the final sets pull down with both legs, lift one and stand up (box pistols) - alternate right side lift then left, (down with 2 up with 1) 2 reps each side for each of the final 4 sets. Between each set of box squats perform 1 perfect push up - stay tight, can be done on knees or full length - the key is perfect form.

Training note - If you have trouble with the single leg lift, practice the movement with 2 legs, feet together. Concentrate on pulling yourself down into the squat and staying tight at the bottom of the movement. That is the key - another way to practice this movement is with the balloon. Place the balloon under your butt and drop into a 1/4 squat - hold tension - try not to pop the balloon - then lift one leg and stand - try it again with the other leg. Enjoy.

- Balloon work – equipment - 1 mid size (12") balloon –

Hamstring stretch – inflate balloon 1/2 to 3/4 full - place balloon between knees, feet together and touching. Place a book or wooden block under your toes, lifting them about 1" off ground. Bend your knees, and try and touch your toes 10x. Then place the book under your heels, with balloon between knees, bend knees and touch toes 10 times. Take a short break and repeat. toes elevated/heels elevated – with balloon b/w knees –

Training note - for the advanced version - try it without the book or wooden block - pull your toes up, bend your knees and try to touch your toes, repeat 10x, then stand on your toes, heels in the air - bend your knees and try to touch your toes 10x, standing straight and tall between each repetition.

Hip flexor stretch w/balloon b/w knees – lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on floor and balloon between legs. Push through your heels and bring your hips/pelvis up into a full bridge. Return to start position and repeat 5 times. Short rest, Repeat excercise - this time hold the bridge positon, straighten right leg, return, and bring movement back to ground. Bridge back up, hold bridge and straighten left leg, return leg to bent position and then back to ground. Perform full movement - ground to ground with right leg lift and then fill movement ground to ground with left leg lift. repeat 5 times each side.

and core - Turkish Get Ups (TGU) –grease the groove (GTG) triples – no weight – slow and purposeful - perform each movement 3 times before proceding to the next, 3 times on the up movement and 3 times on the down. Strong side first then weak side. If you forgot the movement refer to the video post on this blogspot.

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