Mission Statement - Fairfield Strength:

To cultivate growth opportunities for children of all ages and abilities, bringing together the learned and the learning, in a spirit of helpfulness and respect, to improve our health and wellness, using fitness and sport as a medium to teach life lessons.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

The start of a new day, a new year, and a new decade offers many opportunities - to reflect, to reconsider, to remember, to regret, to re-evaluate, and most importantly, to re-direct.

Yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow a only a vision,
But today, well lived,
Will make every yesterday a dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Live well therefore this day.

Sanskrit Proverb

The goal is to "Live well this day" - for in reality - this is all we really have - to plan, to use, to enjoy, to make a difference. So that is what i tried to do today.

They say that a habit takes 30 days to form - and less to break. Do something for 30 days and it becomes yours - to hold and keep or to let slip away. The hard part is to learn - the easy part is to lose.

So my plan was to plan my days - at least the start - my goal is to start each day the same way for 30 days - identify the things that are important and get them done properly, in the right order - to insure that I use this day well, or as well as time and life's distractions will allow - so that I can make a habit of starting each day well - so that if I start each day well, that I can also live each day well.

My plan looks like this

Start Each day – (0500-0600)

- pray

- Coffee/pre-training drink

- Morning Work out

- Hydrate/Protein Shake

- training journal entry -

- Shower, dress

- inspirational reading

- Review Day Plan made night before

- Check Calendar, Voice mail, email

- Amend daily plan as appropriate

- Read Paper – hydrate -

- Work the plan - as time and life allow,

- be happy, be grateful, be humble, try to make a difference,

Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Happy New Year -


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